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Emoodji App

Emoodji, Mind’s app for students, is available to download on both the App Store and Google Play Store.

Emoodji is a key part of our resilience work and has been developed to help students stay mentally well while coping with the pressures of student life.

University can be a time of significant change and uncertainty for many students, and research shows that social networking sites can also have a negative impact on wellbeing. We know that this increases students’ risk of developing mental health problems and that 2 out of 3 students already feel down at some point during their studies.

With Emoodji, students can quickly and easily express how they’re feeling by taking a selfie and attaching an emoji that best represents their mood. These ‘emoodjis’ are then shared with trusted friends or kept private. The app then tracks their mood and feeds back lots of helpful tips and information on how to stay mentally well at university.

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