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Arts Lab

We share this film about a fantastic project – Arts Lab, a creative wellbeing programme for young people in Cornwall. This pilot has demonstrated the need for creative wellbeing projects for young people who over recent years in particular, have experienced disruption and loss. It also demonstrates the power of the arts as a tool for positive emotional and social change. Read all about it in the Arts Lab Impact Report 2022. Great work! Being creative really helps adults mental health and wellbeing too. Creativity can help relieve stress and improve mood. Our creative groups help connect people in the community and provide social interaction and the opportunity to learn new skills which can boost confidence and self esteem. Nourishing our natural creativity can help build and protect resilience and speed up recovery. We offer online Creative Writing Workshops, Radio Show Wellbeing Workshops, Art Groups and Music Groups.To join just send an email to: [email protected]  https://youtu.be/bSYq_Trz0H4

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