01208 892 855

Music in Mind launches in Truro

We are delighted to launch a brand new group.

Music in Mind – songwriting group in Truro. (No musical or songwriting experience needed).

Songwriting is a creative activity that can help people express a range of thoughts and feelings.

You don’t have to be musical or a songwriter to benefit. It’s for anyone that would like to help improve their wellbeing especially after experiencing trauma.

Music is good for our mental health. Studies show that it can boost mood and help reduce stress.

Some people say they find music helpful because it can provide ways of addressing painful feelings and difficult experiences. This can include experiences of trauma. It can help raise self confidence and self esteem and provide a creative space for self expression.

We offer a 6 week songwriting workshop. It’s a small group supported by a professional songwriter and volunteer team.

During these two hour group sessions, you will:

• Explore songwriting as a tool to help improve wellbeing

• Develop a process for understanding experiences and grounding emotions. It’s an opportunity to help you make sense of things and understand yourself better.

• Help to work through past experiences of trauma in an informal and positive way.

• Create a song that reflects the emotional journey of trauma through narrative and music.

• Help to build resilience in difficult situations.

• Develop an understanding of how music can help with emotions and communication.

• Enjoy connecting with other people and benefit from peer support

When? Mondays 10 – 12 noon or 2 – 4 pm

How do I sign up?

It’s easy – just complete our Referral Form.

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