01208 892 855

We need your lived experience!

Can you help us?

Using your lived experience of mental health, help us to influence and change mental health services in Cornwall.

We would like to hear from people that have experienced joint police/mental health services so that we can help improve those services in the future.

This will mainly be those that have been detained by the police under Section 136 but could also include those that have been seen as a part of the newly initiated Joint Response Unit. (Currently on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings there is a mental health worker out in a police vehicle, ready to attend policing incidents that have a mental health element).

You will be reimbursed for your time and anonymity will of course be respected.

If you would like to find out more or get involved then please contact Cornwall Mind’s Lived Experience Co-ordinator: [email protected]

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Have a lovely day!